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Aunque Tengas Razón – Lyrics Meaning in English – Vicente Fernández

“Aunque Tengas Razón” (Even If You are Right) by Vicente Fernández is a heartfelt ballad that explores themes of regret, longing, and the complexity of love. In this emotionally charged song, Fernández delves into the pain of missing a loved one and the desperation to mend a broken relationship. The lyrics reflect a deep sense of vulnerability as he asks for forgiveness and hopes for reconciliation, even acknowledging the other person’s right to feel hurt. The song beautifully captures the struggle between pride and the overwhelming need to express one’s love and remorse.

Singer: Vicente Fernández

Que sacas del orgullo
Que sacas del rencor
Qué saco de la vida, si me falta tu amor

What the matter of pride?
What do you gain from resentment?
What’s life worth if I’m missing your love?

Pensando eso he venido
A pedirte perdón
A pedirte que vuelvas
Aunque tengas razón

Thinking about that, I’ve come here
To ask for your forgiveness
To ask you to come back 
Even if you’re right

Yo se que tú has llorado
Aunque digas que no
Y se que hasta has deseado
Que te venga a rogar

I know you’ve cried, even if you don’t tell
And I know you’ve wished
That I’d come begging for you

Y yo que estoy sufriendo
Te vengo a demostrar
Que la vida sin verte
No la puedo aguantar
Que me amargo la vida
Si te dejo de amar

I am here to show you
How I’m suffering
That I can’t live without you
It makes my life bitter
If I stop loving you

Yo se que tú has llorado
Aunque digas que no
Y se que hasta has deseado
Que te venga a rogar

I know you’ve cried, even if you don’t tell
And I know you’ve wished
That I’d come begging for you

Y yo que estoy sufriendo
Te vengo a demostrar
Que la vida sin verte
No la puedo aguantar
Que me amargo la vida
Si te dejo de amar

I am here to show you
How I’m suffering
That I can’t live without you
It makes my life bitter
If I stop loving you

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