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Adios Querida Esposa – Lyrics Meaning in English – Marco Antonio Solís

“Adiós Querida Esposa” (Goodbye, Dear Wife) by Marco Antonio Solís is a poignant ballad that explores the deep emotional turmoil of love and loss. In this heartfelt song, the narrator bids farewell to his beloved wife, expressing regret over their separation and a longing for the connection they once shared. With a blend of sorrow and hope, he reflects on the pain of their parting while conveying an enduring love that transcends earthly existence. The lyrics poignantly capture the complexities of relationships, including feelings of guilt and the desire for reconciliation, making it a touching tribute to love that persists beyond life’s challenges. This song resonates with anyone who has experienced the heartache of saying goodbye, offering a glimpse into the bittersweet nature of love and the hope for reunion in the afterlife.

Singer: Marco Antonio Solís

Adiós, querida esposa
Ilusión de tantos sueños
Dueña de mi vida rosa
Adiós, perdóname

Goodbye, dear wife
Dream of so many hopes
Keeper of my gentle life
Goodbye, forgive me

Adiós, mujer hermosa
Comprensión de mis sentidos
De mis traumas encondidos
Adiós, reina mía, adiós

Goodbye, beautiful woman
Understanding of my feelings
Of my hidden traumas
Goodbye, my queen, goodbye

Ya que en el mundo no pudo ser
Entonces en el cielo será
Que tú puedas amarme como yo
A ti, hasta la eternidad

Since it couldn’t be in this world
Then it will be in heaven
That you can love me as I love you
For eternity

Que hoy de esta injusta separación
Culpable fui, tal vez sin razón
Pero Dios sabe que nadie logró
Sacarte de mi corazón

That today, from this unjust separation
I was guilty, perhaps without reason
But God knows that no one has succeeded
In removing you from my heart

Adiós, querida esposa
Abrigo entero de mi ser
Empiezo a sentir el frío y sin ti
Veo entre el miedo el amanecer

Goodbye, dear wife
Complete shelter of my being
I’m starting to feel the cold, and without you
I see the dawn through the fear

Si aquí en el mundo no pudo ser
Entonces en el cielo será
Que tú puedas amarme como yo
A ti, hasta la eternidad

If it couldn’t be here in the world
Then it will be in heaven
That you can love me as I
Love you, until eternity

Que hoy de esta injusta separación
Culpable fui, tal vez sin razón
Pero Dios sabe que nadie logró
Sacarte de mi corazón

That today, from this unjust separation
I was guilty, perhaps without reason
But God knows that no one has managed
To take you out of my heart

Adiós, querida esposa
Abrigo entero de mi ser
Empiezo a sentir el frío y sin ti
Veo entre el miedo el amanecer

Goodbye, dear wife
Complete shelter of my being
I’m starting to feel the cold, and without you
I see the dawn through the fear

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