Navaan SandhuPunjabi to English

2 Asle – Lyrics Meaning in English – Navaan Sandhu

2 Asle – Lyrics Meaning in English – Navaan Sandhu

Singer: Navaan Sandhu 
Music: Jeffrick  
Lyrics: Zikr Brar 

Ho dinda tuttan na pant di creez nu 
Add ke pugaunda gabru har reejh nu 
Reejh bolan vich hundi na bayan ni 
8 V engine di chobbar ch jaan ni 

I don’t let the iron of my pant spoil 
Boy fulfilles his all desires according to his way 
You could not express your desires in words 
Boy has the horse power of 8V engine (powerful car engine) 

Ni unjh tere layi hi 
Laake rakhan teeja gear main 
Yaaran layi taan payida ae top ni 

Well, for only you, girl,  
I keep mu car at 3rd gear 
For friends, I keep it (my car) on top gear 

Ho gaddi vich asle aa 2 jattiye 
Ik lohe da te dooja jatt aap ni 
Gaddi vich asle aa 2 jattiye 
Ik lohe da te dooja jatt aap ni 

There are 2 weapons in my car, Jattiye 
One, is made up of iron and the second, is Jatt himself 
There are 2 weapons in my car, Jattiye 
One, is made up of iron and the second, is Jatt himself 

Ni tere shehar ch kapat hon tere karke 
Loki ghoorde jo killa main Taimur lutteya 
Layi chakk kharcheeliye ni card jatt da 
Khule kar tu spend tainu khuli chhutt aa 

There are betrayals in your city only because of you, girl 
People stare at me, as if I have stolen the palace of Taimur 
Girl, pick up the Jatts credit card  
And shop as much as you want, you have my full permission 

Zikr Brar nahio hath tera chhaddu 
Lauga na sir tera paap ni 

Zikr Brar (Lyricistwill not leave your hand 
He will not take your sin on his head 

Gaddi vich asle aa 2 
Ho gaddi vich asle aa 2 jattiye 
Ik lohe da te dooja jatt aap ni 
Gaddi vich asle aa 2 jattiye 
Ik lohe da te dooja jatt aap ni 

There are 2 weapons in my car  
There are 2 weapons in my car, Jattiye 
One, is made up of iron and the second, is Jatt himself 
There are 2 weapons in my car, Jattiye 
One, is made up of iron and the second, is Jatt himself 

Hundi Jatt Jatt Lahori touch combo kartoos 
Akhan hon na blink peeke homemade booze 
Tu paundi Korean chiffon te lakk jivein kail 
Meri Carlos feel pant bottom to loose 

Everybody says Jatt Jatt; I have lahori touch, combo of weapon 
My eyes does not close after drinking homemade booze 
You wear chiffon from korea and you waist is like Kylie Jinner (American Model)  
My Carlos trouser is loose bottom style 

Timberan de thalle billo rol deyan wag 
Khud nu kahaunda jehda baap ni 

Those who call themselves the leader  
We leave him under the tree after beating 

Ho gaddi vich asle aa 2 jattiye 
Ik lohe da te dooja jatt aap ni 
Gaddi vich asle aa 2 jattiye 
Ik lohe da te dooja jatt aap ni 

There are 2 weapons in my car, Jattiye 
One, is made up of iron and the second, is Jatt himself 
There are 2 weapons in my car, Jattiye 
One, is made up of iron and the second, is Jatt himself 

Ho teri jhanjhar kapati phire rang laun nu 
Jadon dash utte rakhdi ae sandal’an 
Ho munde jatt zone wale saare rough tone wale 
Dil mom warge aan wang candle’an 

Your anket is very bad in nature she is roaming around for enjoyment 
When you keep your sandals on dashboard 
All boys of jatt zone are very rough from their tones 
There hearts are as soft as the wax of candle 

Shaami goggle je hoke jadon kadd deyan round 
Loki bhaj bhaj karde milaap ni 

In evening when we get ready handsomely and we take a round 
People come by running to meet us 

Ho gaddi vich asle aa 2 jattiye 
Ik lohe da te dooja jatt aap ni 
Gaddi vich asle aa 2 jattiye 
Ik lohe da te dooja jatt aap ni 

There are 2 weapons in my car, Jattiye 
One, is made up of iron and the second, is Jatt himself 
There are 2 weapons in my car, Jattiye 
One, is made up of iron and the second, is Jatt himself 

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