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Un Zombie A La Intemperie – Lyrics Meaning in English – Alejandro Sanz

“Un Zombie A La Intemperie” (A Zombie Outside) performed by Alejandro Sanz, is a deeply introspective song that delves into themes of longing, confusion, and self-reflection. Through its evocative lyrics, Sanz portrays a journey marked by mistakes, unfulfilled searches, and the feeling of being lost. The song vividly captures the artist’s struggle with his own sense of purpose and identity, portraying a poignant narrative of returning to a place of solitude and vulnerability. With a mix of melancholy and introspection, this song explores the emotional landscape of a person grappling with the absence of a loved one and the resulting self-doubt.

Singer: Alejandro Sanz

Y yo era confidente de tu cajon
Yo era el que le susurraba aquel dragon
Hice una licencia de explorador
Fabrique una sala
Busque un balcon

And I was the confidant of your drawer
I was the one who whispered to that dragon
I made an explorer’s license
I built a room
I looked for a balcony

Heche a volar contento al este
Se ve tan celeste
Cuanto mas lejos yo mas feliz
Baje tanto la guardia, la tentacion que
llegue a confundir la locura con el valor

I happily flew to the east
It looks so bright blue
The farther I go, the happier I feel
I let my guard down so much, the temptation that
I came to confuse madness with courage

Durmiendo a la interperie
Sin techos ni paredes
Solo en soledad y sin ti yo solo

Sleeping outside
Without roofs or walls
Alone in lonely and without you, just me

Por ti volvi por ti
Pero no te vi
Si no estas solo soy un zombie a la interperie

I came back for you, for you
But I didn’t see you
If you’re not here, I’m just a zombie outside

A ti me fui a buscarte a ti
Y Ahora el dragon se rie de mi
Yo no soy bueno pa explorar
Sin ti solo soy solo un zombie

I went to find you, for you
And now the dragon laughs at me
I’m not good at exploring
Without you, I’m just a zombie

Sin ti morir por ti
Pero no te vi
Si no estas solo soy un zombie a la interperie

Without you, I’d die for you
But I didn’t find you
If you’re not here, I’m just a zombie outside

Sin ti, me fui a buscarte a ti
Y ahora el dragon se rie de mi
Yo no soy bueno pa explorar
Sin ti solo soy solo un zombie

Without you, I went to find you
And now the dragon laughs at me
I’m not good at exploring
Without you, I’m just a zombie

Ya no te preocupes, ya no hay razón
Lo que dices no me importa, solo tu voz
Los espejos quieren ser siempre más que Dios
Mientras que buscamos juntos la salvación

Don’t worry anymore, there’s no reason
What you say doesn’t matter, just your voice
Mirrors always want to be more than God
While we search for salvation together

Lo se lo se, yo me he vuelto a equivocar
Lo se lo se que no merezco otra oportunidad
Y cuando cierras esa puerta lo que encuentras
Es tu magia celestial
Me alegra tanto verte
Es todo lo que me hace feliz
Y nadie lo remedie

I know, I know, I made a mistake again
I know, I know, I don’t deserve another chance
And when you close that door, what you find
Is your celestial magic
I’m so happy to see you
Seeing you
Is all that makes me happy
And no one can change that

Por ti volvi por ti
Pero no te vi
Si no estas solo soy un zombie a la interperie

I came back for you, for you
But I didn’t see you
If you’re not here, I’m just a zombie in the open

Sin ti, me fui a buscarte a ti
Y ahora el dragon se rie de mi
Yo no soy bueno pa explorar
Sin ti solo soy solo un zombie

Without you, I went to find you
And now the dragon laughs at me
I’m not good at exploring
Without you, I’m just a zombie

Volvi, y al vorlver perdi
Pero no por ti
No eres tu, es que soy un zombie al que depeine

I came back, and when I returned I lost
But not because of you
It’s not you, it’s that I’m a zombie with messed-up hair

Sin ti, me fui a buscarte a ti
Y ahora el dragon se rie de mi
Yo no soy bueno pa explorar
Sin ti solo soy solo un zombie

Without you, I went to find you
And now the dragon laughs at me
I’m not good at exploring
Without you, I’m just a zombie

Solo soy un zombie
Solo soy un zombie
Solo soy un zombie

I’m just a zombie
I’m just a zombie
I’m just a zombie

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