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Tal Vez – Lyrics Meaning in English – Márama

“Márama’s song ‘Tal Vez’ (May Be) explores the complexities of love and commitment, moving beyond mere physical attraction to embrace emotional fidelity. The lyrics reflect a journey of self-discovery, where the singer contemplates the depth of their feelings and the desire to build something lasting. With themes of longing and introspection, ‘Tal Vez’ captures the essence of relationships navigating through challenges, yet holding onto the hope of waking up together under the same sun. Join Márama on this heartfelt exploration of love, connection, and the pursuit of genuine companionship.

Singer: Márama

Tal vez
Ya lo nuestro no sea solo piel
Tal vez me doy cuenta que quiero ser fiel
Las noches de frío pasarlas contigo
Y amanecer a tus pies

Our love is not just about physical touch anymore
Maybe I realize that I want to be loyal
Spending cold nights with you
And waking up by your side

Baila, nena, con

Dance baby with

A veces me pongo celoso
Y, la verdad, no somos nada
Estoy deseando serlo todo
Que estés acompañada
Por favor, no catalogues
Como a todos iguales
No todos nos comportamos
Igual que los animales

Sometimes I feel jealous
And, honestly, we’re nothing
I’m wishing to be everything
That you’re accompanied
Please, don’t catalogues
We are all the same
Not everyone behaves
Same as the animals

Abrazaste mi tristeza
La sonrisa intercambiamos
Ya de entrada nos gustamos
Puede ser que

You turn my sadness into happiness
We shared smiles
Right from the start we liked each other
It could be that

Tal vez
Ya lo nuestro no sea solo piel
Tal vez me doy cuenta que quiero ser fiel
Las noches de frío pasarlas contigo
Y amanecer a tus pies

Our love is not just about physical touch anymore
Maybe I realize that I want to be loyal
Spending cold nights with you
And waking up by your side

Tal vez
Ya lo nuestro no sea solo piel
Tal vez me doy cuenta que quiero ser fiel
Las noches de frío pasarlas contigo
Y amanecer a tus pies

Our love is not just about physical touch anymore
Maybe I realize that I want to be loyal
Spending cold nights with you
And waking up by your side

Aunque sea complicado
Igual quiero estar a tu lado
Ver los tiempos ajustados
Con amor acumulado

Even though it’s complicated
I still want to be with you
Navigating through tight schedules
With accumulated love

Los amores a distancia
Aumentan la pasión
Los besos que se extrañan
No tienen comparación

Long-distance loves
Heighten the passion
Kisses that are missed
Have no comparison”

Abrazaste mi tristeza
La sonrisa intercambiamos
Ya de entrada nos gustamos
Puede ser que

You turn my sadness into happiness
We shared smiles
Right from the start we liked each other
It could be that

Tal vez
Ya lo nuestro no sea solo piel
Tal vez me doy cuenta que quiero ser fiel
Las noches de frío pasarlas contigo
Y amanecer a tus pies

Our love is not just about physical touch anymore
Maybe I realize that I want to be loyal
Spending cold nights with you
And waking up by your side

Sé que él te hizo llorar
De eso no quieres hablar
No la quiero lastimar
Otra vez, no

I know he made you cry
You don’t want to talk about it
I don’t want to hurt her
Not again, no

Tal vez
Ya lo nuestro no sea solo piel
Tal vez me doy cuenta que quiero ser fiel
Las noches de frío pasarlas contigo
Y amanecer a tus pies

Our love is not just about physical touch anymore
Maybe I realize that I want to be loyal
Spending cold nights with you
And waking up by your side

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