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Pon Que Dale – Lyrics Meaning in English – Niña Pastori

“Pon Que Dale” (Come On, Let’s Go) by Niña Pastori is a captivating song that weaves together themes of love, reflection, and timeless connection. The lyrics express a deep appreciation for simple moments and the enduring power of companionship. Through evocative imagery and heartfelt sentiments, Pastori explores the emotional journey of giving, receiving, and finding solace in a relationship that transcends time. With its blend of poetic language and soulful delivery, “Pon Que Dale” invites listeners to embrace the beauty of everyday experiences and the lasting impact of a meaningful bond.

Singer: Niña Pastori

Este mi lenguaje, es el que má’ me gusta
Le tengo respeto y, a veces, me asusta
Que no tiene fecha de caducidad
Yay-eh, yay-ey

This is my language, it’s the one I like the most
I respect it, and sometimes, it scares me
It never expires
Yay-eh, yay-ey

Me gusta lo simple, lo cotidiano
Sentarme en un parque, estar a tu lado
Y ver contigo un atardecé
Yay-eh, yay-ey (pon que dale)

I like the simple things, the daily stuff
Sitting in a park, being next to you
And watching a sunset together
Yay-eh, yay-ey (come on, let’s go)

Mi forma de sentir (pon que dale)
Estando junto a ti (pon que dale)
Tú eres mi ilusión (pon que dale)
Alegra al corazón (pon que dale)

My way of feeling (come on, let’s go)
Being with you (come on, let’s go)
You are my dream (come on, let’s go)
You make my heart happy (come on, let’s go)

Rompés mi soledad (pon que dale)
Eres atemporal (pon que dale)
Por una eternidad (pon que dale)
Me invitas a soñar

You break my loneliness (come on, let’s go)
You are timeless (come on, let’s go)
For forever (come on, let’s go)
You invite me to dream

Infinitas noches hablando contigo
En ti, yo descanso todo mi suspiro
Tú no te evapora’, eres sal del mar
Yey-yey, yey-yey

Endless nights talking with you
In you, I rest all my sighs
You don’t disappear, you’re salt of the sea
Yey-yey, yey-yey

Me abrazas, me mimas y me comprende’
Me sueltas, me amarras y me sostiene’
Le das compañía y a mi soledad
Yay-yay, yay-yey (pon que dale)

You hug me, care for me, and understand me
You let me go, tie me up, and hold me
You keep me company and my loneliness
Yay-yay, yay-yey (come on, let’s go)

Mi forma de sentir (pon que dale)
Estando junto a ti (pon que dale)
Tú eres mi ilusión (pon que dale)
Alegra al corazón (pon que dale)

My way of feeling (come on, let’s go)
Being with you (come on, let’s go)
You are my dream (come on, let’s go)
You make my heart happy (come on, let’s go)

Rompés mi soledad (pon que dale)
Eres atemporal (pon que dale)
Por una eternidad (pon que dale)
Me invitas a soñar

You break my loneliness (come on, let’s go)
You are timeless (come on, let’s go)
For forever (come on, let’s go)
You invite me to dream

La vida que hay en mí (pon que dale)
Que todo te lo di (pon que dale)
Volver a caminá (pon que dale)
Y sin mirar atrá (pon que dale)

The life within me (let’s go)
That I gave you everything (let’s go)
To start walking again (let’s go)
And not look back (let’s go)

Mi forma de sentir (pon que dale)
Estando junto a ti (pon que dale)
Tú eres mi ilusión (pon que dale)
Alegra al corazón (pon que dale)

My way of feeling (come on, let’s go)
Being with you (come on, let’s go)
You are my dream (come on, let’s go)
You make my heart happy (come on, let’s go)

Mi forma de sentir (pon que dale)
Estando junto a ti (pon que dale)
Por una eternidad (pon que dale)
Me invitas a soñar (pon que dale)

My way of feeling (let’s go)
Being with you (let’s go)
For forever (let’s go)
You invite me to dream (let’s go)

Me sueltas, me amarras y me sostienes (pon que dale)
Que todo te lo di (que todo te lo di)
Volver a caminar (volver a caminar)
Y sin mirar atrás

You let me go, bind me, and hold me (let’s go)
That I gave you everything (that I gave you everything)
To start walking again (to start walking again)
And not look back

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