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Osú Qué Niña – Lyrics Meaning in English – Niña Pastori

“Osú Qué Niña” (Oh, What a Girl) by Niña Pastori is a captivating song that celebrates the unique charm and irresistible qualities of a special woman. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of her beauty and individuality, highlighting her carefree spirit with messy hair and laughter, and her captivating presence that brings joy and intrigue. As the song unfolds, it reflects on the wonder of her being, the joy she imparts, and the lessons learned from her enchanting, dreamlike nature. With its heartfelt and poetic lyrics, this song beautifully captures the essence of admiration and affection for someone who stands out in every way.

Singer: Niña Pastori

Pero a mí me gusta despeinada
Con el pelo mojado por el mar
Riendo a carcajadas sin parar
De cantar

But I like her with messy hair
With her hair wet from the ocean
Laughing non stop
From singing

Osú qué niña, qué cosas tienes
Le digo que me cuentes, quiero comprenderte
Osú qué niña, qué cosas tienes
Me cuenta sus secretos que son transparentes

Oh, what a girl, the things you have
I ask her to share with me, I want to know
Oh, what a girl, the things you have
She shares me her secrets that are clear as day

Mira, mira, mira, mira, mírala
Un ser tan bonito, y es tan especial
Mira, mira, mira, yo no sé qué tiene
Es como un cristal que no puede romperse

Look, look, look, look, look at her
So pretty and specia
Look, look, look, I don’t know what she has
She’s like a glass that can’t be broken

Mira, mira, mira, mira, mírala
Con esa sonrisa tan particular
Mira, mira, mira, yo no sé qué tiene
Es de seda y huele a flor de loto siempre

Look, look, look, look, look at her
So pretty and special
Look, look, look, I don’t know what she has
She’s like silk and always smells of lotus flower

Pero a mí me gusta despeinada
Con el pelo mojado por el mar
Riendo a carcajadas sin parar
De cantar

But I like her with messy hair
With her hair wet from the ocean
Laughing non stop
From singing

Pero a mí me gusta despeinada
Con el pelo mojado por el mar
Riendo a carcajadas sin parar
De cantar

But I like her with messy hair
With her hair wet from the ocean
Laughing non stop
From singing

Osú qué niña, qué cosas tienes
Quiere parar el tiempo, pero no se puede
Osú qué niña, qué cosas tienes
Disfruta como nadie y lo agradece siempre

Oh, what a girl, the things you have
She wants to stop time, but it’s impossible
Oh, what a girl, the things you have
She enjoys like no one else and is always grateful

Mira, mira, mira, mira, mírala
Que le gusta estar con la puerta cerrada
Mira, mira, mira, yo no sé qué tiene
Que sabes que no quiero, que me gusta verte

Look, look, look, look, look at her
She likes to stay with the door closed
Look, look, look, I don’t know what she has
But you know I don’t want that, I like seeing you

Mira, mira, mira, mira, mírala
A veces me pregunto si hago bien en amar
Mira, mira, mira, yo no sé qué tiene
El brillo de sus ojos va como un cohete

Look, look, look, look, look at her
Sometimes I doubt if I can love
Look, look, look, I don’t know what she has
The sparkle in her eyes takes off like a rocket

Pero a mí me gusta despeinada
Con el pelo mojado por el mar
Riendo a carcajadas sin parar
De cantar

But I like her with messy hair
With her hair wet from the ocean
Laughing non stop
From singing

Pero a mí me gusta despeinada
Con el pelo mojado por el mar
Riendo a carcajadas sin parar
De cantar

But I like her with messy hair
With her hair wet from the ocean
Laughing non stop
From singing

Osú qué niña, qué cosas tienes
Me mira, yo la miro y ya sé lo que quiere
Osú qué niña, qué cosas tienes
Es una soñadora permanentemente

Oh, what a girl, the things you have
She looks at me, I look at her, and I already know what she wants
Oh, what a girl, the things you have
She’s a dreamer all the time

Osú qué niña, qué cosas tienes
Que guapa con la blusa de color celeste
Osú qué niña, qué cosas tienes
Me enseñas cada día, contigo se aprende

Oh, what a girl, the things you have
How beautiful with the sky-blue blouse
Oh, what a girl, the things you have
You teach me every day, with you I learn

Mira, mira, mira, mira, mírala
Su pelo alborotado con la sal del mar
Mira, mira, mira, yo no sé qué tiene
Dispara mi alegría cada vez que quiere

Look, look, look, look, look at her
Her tousled hair with sea salt
Look, look, look, I don’t know what she has
She brings me joy every time she wants

Mira, mira, mira, mira, mírala

Look, look, look, look, look at her

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