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Mariposas – Lyrics Meaning in English – Aitana & Sangiovanni

“Mariposas” (Butterflies) by Aitana and Sangiovanni is a poignant duet that captures the heartache of lost love and longing. The song weaves a story of emotional struggle as the protagonist reflects on a relationship that once brought joy and now only leaves a sense of emptiness. The lyrics convey the profound impact of the absence of a loved one, where familiar symbols of affection, like butterflies and roses, have lost their meaning. The song’s melancholic melody, combined with the heartfelt performances of Aitana and Sangiovanni, beautifully illustrates the challenge of moving on and the lingering memories that continue to haunt the heart.

Singer: Aitana & Sangiovanni

DJ, no ponga la canción
Que cada vez que suena, se me rompe el corazón
Que cada vez que pienso en él, siento que voy a enloquecer

DJ, don’t play the song
It breaks my heart whenever it plays
Every time I think of him, I feel like I’m going to lose my mind

Porque no tengo a mi baby
Y todavía lo quiero aquí
Ese beso era para mí, pero ya no va a ser
No te quiero perder
¿Por qué tan fácil te vas?, sigo aquí pensando solo en ti

Because my babe isn’t here
And I still want him here
That kiss was meant for me, but it won’t happen now
I don’t want to lose you
Why do you leave so easily? I’m still here thinking only of you

Y no se lo he dicho a nadie
Perdí la cabeza y estoy loco por ti

And I haven’t said anything
I lost my mind and I’m crazy for you

Hoy ya no vuelan mariposas, ya no quedan rosas
De esas que en verano me regalabas tú
Y esta noche na-na-na-nada será igual
Bailar sin ti, no sé bailar
La música no suena igua-ia-ial
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh

Today, butterflies no longer fly, no roses remain
The ones you used to give me in the summer 
And tonight, na-na-na-nothing will be the same
Dancing without you, I don’t know how to dance 
The music doesn’t sound the same
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh

Otra noche vacía pensando en por qué se fue
Otra noche en la que no olvidé
Sí, yo soy así
Ay, no sé si lloré

Another empty night thinking about why he left
Another night where I didn’t forget
Yes, I’m like this
Oh, I don’t know if I cried

Pero no lloré más, fue
No, por lo menos traté, eh
No, yo por ti no llamé
Porque sin ti nada me sabe bien

But I didn’t cry anymore, it was
No, at least I tried, eh
No, I didn’t call you
Because without you, nothing tastes good to me

No voy a llorar más
Juro que yo no lloraré
Aunque sé que no olvidaré
Porque sin ti nada me sabe bien

I won’t cry anymore
I swear I won’t cry
Even though I know I won’t forget
Because without you, nothing tastes good to me

Vuelan mariposas, ya no quedan rosas
De esas que en verano me regalabas tú
Y esta noche na-na-na-nada será igual
Bailar sin ti, no sé bailar
La música no suena igua-ia-ial

Butterflies fly, no roses remain
The ones you used to give me in the summer
And tonight, na-na-na-nothing will be the same
Dancing without you, I don’t know how to dance 
The music sounds different

Volano farfalle sulle lampadine
Attratte come fosse la luce del sole
Come me che tra miliardi di persone
Vengo verso di te

Butterflies fly around the light bulbs
Attracted as if it were sunlight
Like me, who among billions of people
Come towards you

Hoy ya no vuelan mariposas, ya no quedan rosas
De esas que en verano me regalabas tú
Y esta noche na-na-na-nada será igual
Bailar sin ti, no sé bailar
La música no suena igua-ia-ial

Today, butterflies no longer fly, no roses remain
The ones you used to give me in the summer 
And tonight, na-na-na-nothing will be the same
Dancing without you, I don’t know how to dance 
The music sounds different

Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
No vuelan mariposas
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh

Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
Butterflies don’t fly
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh

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