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Mares de Tristeza – Lyrics Meaning in English – Vicente Fernández

“Mares de Tristeza” (Seas of Sadness) is a deeply emotional song by the legendary Vicente Fernández, capturing the profound sense of heartbreak and sorrow one feels after losing a loved one. The lyrics depict a powerful contrast between the fate of the one who leaves and the one who is left behind. While one sails towards sunny days and beautiful nights, the other remains shipwrecked in seas of sadness, lost in darkness and storm. The song explores themes of love, loss, and the unbearable pain of forgetting, showcasing Vicente Fernández’s ability to express the deepest emotions through his music. The heartfelt translation below conveys the raw emotions and poetic beauty of the original Spanish lyrics.

Singer: Vicente Fernández

Cuando nazca el nuevo día en el oriente
Zarpara la nave al fin donde te alejas
Yo me quedo naufragando para siempre
En los mares que ha formado la tristeza

When the new day strats from east
The ship will finally set sail where you are leaving
I will stay shipwrecked for always
In the seas formed by sadness

Tu tendrás los días de sol y noches bellas
Y el fulgor de las estrellas y la Luna
Yo tendré la tempestad y las tinieblas
Y andaré sin rumbo fijo entre la bruma

You will have sunny days and beautiful nights
And the glow of the stars and the Moon
I will have the storm and the darkness
And I will wander aimlessly through the mist

No me guardes rencor, aunque ya no me quieras
Ni me digas adiós, aunque ya nunca vuelvas
No hay castigo más amargo que el olvido
Ni dolor que sea más grande que la muerte
Ya con irte destrozaste mi cariño
Que otra pena puedes darme que perderte

Don’t resent me, even if you don’t want me anymore
Don’t say goodbye, even if you never return
There’s no punishment more bitter than being forgotten
Or pain worse than death
By leaving, you’ve already broken my heart
What greater pain can you cause than losing you

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