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La Venia Bendita – Lyrics Meaning in English – Marco Antonio Solís

“La Venia Bendita” (The Blessed Coming) is a heartfelt ballad by the renowned Mexican singer Marco Antonio Solís, where love, passion, and destiny intertwine. The song speaks to the overwhelming feelings of a love so deep, it feels as though time itself isn’t enough to hold it. With poetic lyrics, Solís captures the intensity of a connection that transcends physical boundaries, sharing a spiritual bond blessed by a divine force. The song beautifully conveys the timeless essence of love, where every moment feels like a gift, and even nature—symbolized by flowers and the wind—appears to reflect the couple’s emotions. It’s a celebration of love that is both magical and eternal, blessed by the divine.

Singer: Marco Antonio Solís

Cántala con sentimiento, como tú sabes, Marco

Sing it with feeling, like you know how, Marco

Le faltan horas al día, para seguirnos queriendo
Apenas fue mediodía
Y hoy nos está amaneciendo
Solo nuestras almas saben qué es lo que está sucediendo

The day doesn’t have enough hours for us to keep loving each other
It was barely noon
And now it’s already dawn
Only our souls know what is happening

Nos falta sangre en las venas, pa’ aguantar lo que sentimos
Y más hoyos en la tierra
Para la hora de morirnos
¿Dónde enterrar tanta muerte de esto que hoy tanto vivimos?

We don’t have enough strength to bear what we’re feeling
And more holes in the earth
For the time when we die
Where can we bury all this death from what we live so much today?

Bésame así, despacito y alarguemos el destino
Pues, este amor tan bonito
Que se nos dio en el camino
Tiene la venia bendita del poderoso divino

Kiss me gently, and let’s stretch out our fate
For this beautiful love
That was given to us along the way
Has the divine blessing to guide us

Aaah ah ah ah

Hoy algo se están contando las frescas flores y el viento
Parece que platicaran
De nuestro gran sentimiento
Como que nos regalaran la vida en todo momento

Today, the fresh flowers and the wind are sharing something
It seems like they’re talking
About our deep feelings
As if they’re giving us life every moment

Bésame así, despacito y alarguemos el destino
Pues, este amor tan bonito
Que se nos dio en el camino
Tiene la venia bendita del poderoso divino

Kiss me gently, and let’s stretch out our fate
For this beautiful love
That was given to us along the way
Has the divine blessing to guide us

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