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La cumparsita – Lyrics Meaning in English – Carlos Gardel

“La cumparsita,” famously known as the anthem of tango, embodies the passionate spirit and melancholic essence of Argentine music. Originally composed by Gerardo Matos Rodríguez, this song has become synonymous with the soul-stirring rhythms of Buenos Aires. Carlos Gardel’s rendition of “La cumparsita” further immortalized its haunting melody and evocative lyrics, which speak of love, longing, and nostalgia. Through its timeless appeal, this tango classic continues to captivate listeners worldwide, offering a glimpse into the emotional depth and cultural richness of Argentine tango music. Here are some translated excerpts from the song, reflecting its poignant themes of love, loss, and reminiscence.

Singer: Carlos Gardel

Si supieras que aún dentro de mi alma
Conservo aquel cariño que tuve para ti
Quién sabe si supieras que nunca te he olvidado
Volviendo a tu pasado te acordarás de mí

If you knew that still within my soul
I still hold the love I had for you
Who knows if you knew that I never forgot you
Returning to your past, you will remember me

Los amigos ya no vienen ni siquiera a visitarme
Nadie quiere consolarme en mi aflicción
Desde el día que te fuiste siento angustias en mi pecho
Decí, percanta, ¿qué has hecho de mi pobre corazón?

My friends don’t come to visit me anymore
No one wants to comfort me in my sorrow
Since the day you left, I’ve felt pain in my heart
Tell me, darling, what have you done to my poor heart?

Al cotorro abandonado ya ni el sol de la mañana
Asoma por la ventana como cuando estabas vos
Y aquel perrito compañero que por tu ausencia no comía
Al verme solo el otro día también me dejó

The abandoned parrot no longer even sees the morning sun
Peek through the window like when you were here
And that little dog companion who wouldn’t eat in your absence
When he saw me alone the other day, he left me too

Si supieras que aún dentro de mi alma
Conservo aquel cariño que tuve para ti
Quién sabe si supieras que nunca te he olvidado
Volviendo a tu pasado te acordarás de mí

If you knew that still within my soul
I still hold the love I had for you
Who knows if you knew that I never forgot you
Returning to your past, you will remember me

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