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Felices Perdidos – Lyrics Meaning in English – Piso 21 & Danny Ocean

Felices perdidos means happily lost. This song is about a couple who are happy together and wish their relationship never ends. The singer says that plenty of people like his girl, but he’s the one who takes pictures of her.

Singer: Piso 21 & Danny Ocean

To’ el mundo le da like, pero yo soy el que le toma las fotos
Las mejores no las sube, esas son solo para nosotros
Ella tiene en toas las capitales varios corazones y DMs rotos, oh
Porque to le doy lo que no pueden otros

Everyone likes her, but I’m the one who takes her photos
The best ones are not uploaded, those are only for us
She has in all the capitals several broken hearts and DMs, oh
Because I give you what others can’t

Que nadie nos venga a auxiliar
Si ya estamos felices perdidos
Que nadie venga a opinar
En algo que ya estaba escrito
Si ya llegamo’ a terminar
Volvemo’ a empezar, volvemo’ a empezar
Yo lo vuelvo a empezar
Pero contigo, hey
Siempre contigo

Let no one come to help us
If we are already happily lost
Let no one comment
In something that was already written
If we already got to finish
We start again, we start again
I start it over
But with you, hey
Always with you

Bae, que nadie nos controle
Voy a hacer un parche y conmigo te solles
Me tiene flotando
Déjame te las canto, yeah
Ella me eleva montones
Me trama tu voz, mami, haces que me entone
Te dejo perfecta, yeah
Mi cora y el tuyo conectan, no

Bae, let no one control us
I’m going to make a patch and with me you get lonely
Got me floating
Let me sing them to you, yeah
She lifts me heaps
Your voice plots me, mami, you make me sing
I leave you perfect, yeah
My heart and yours connect, no

Que nadie nos venga a auxiliar
Si ya estamos felices perdidos
Que nadie venga a opinar
En algo que ya estaba escrito
Si ya llegamo’ a terminar
Volvemo’ a empezar, volvemo’ a empezar
Yo lo vuelvo a empezar
Pero contigo, yeah
Siempre contigo

Let no one come to help us
If we are already happily lost
Let no one come to comment
In something that was already written
If we already got to finish
We start again, we start again
I start it over
But with you, yeah
Always with you

To’ el mundo le da like, pero yo soy el que le toma las fotos
Las mejores no las sube, esas son solo para nosotros

Everyone likes her, but I’m the one who takes her photos
The best ones are not uploaded, those are only for us

Esto pasa pocas veces
Que mi cora se tropiece
Me crucé con tu mirada
Y la perseguí por meses
Esto sí es lo que parece
Un amor que no envejece
Desde la primera vez
Un besito en el DF, yeah

This happens rarely
That my heart stumbles
I met your gaze
And I chased her for months
This is what it seems
A love that does not age
Since the first time
A little kiss in Mexico City, yeah

Bonito es el amor que nos tenemos
Romántico me pongo si algo nos bebemos
Único el sentimiento cuando lo hacemos
No, ojalá no terminemos

Beautiful is the love we have
I get romantic if we drink something
The feeling is unique when we do it
No, I hope we don’t end

Que nadie nos venga a auxiliar
Si ya estamos felices perdidos
Que nadie venga a opinar
En algo que ya estaba escrito
Si ya llegamo’ a terminar
Volvemo’ a empezar, volvemo’ a empezar
Yo lo vuelvo a empezar
Pero contigo, yeah
Siempre contigo

Let no one come to help us
If we are already happily lost
Let no one come to comment
In something that was already written
If we already got to finish
We start again, we start again
I start it over
But with you, yeah
Always with you

To’ el mundo le da like, pero yo soy el que le toma las fotos
Las mejores no las sube, esas son solo para nosotros

Everyone likes her, but I’m the one who takes her photos
The best ones are not uploaded, those are only for us

Ba, Ba-Ba-Babylon girl
Yeah, sú-súbete
Yeah, Piso, Piso 21

Ba, Ba-Ba-Babylon girl
Yeah, get-get on
Yeah, floor, floor 21

No es normal, no es normal
Yo sé que no es normal
Conseguirse alguien como tú
Que me haga sentir como tú

It’s not normal, it’s not normal
I know it’s not normal
Get someone like you
That makes me feel like you

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