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Esperabas Que Te Maldijera – Lyrics Meaning in English – Vicente Fernández


In “Esperabas Que Te Maldijera” (You were expecting me to Cursed) Vicente Fernández delivers a poignant message of enduring love and forgiveness. The song reveals the singer’s deep emotional struggle and heartfelt response to betrayal. Rather than cursing his former lover, he expresses his ongoing affection and sorrow, revealing a powerful transformation of pain into compassion. This track beautifully captures the complexity of love and the capacity to wish well for someone who has caused deep hurt.

Singer: Vicente Fernández

Esperabas que yo te dijera ” te maldigo por lo que me hiciste”
Pero en ves de ofenderte, quisiera platicarte que vivo muy triste
Que la vida sin tus malos modos no la puedo seguir soportando
Y aun que riñas conmigo por mi todo, diariamente te estoy extrañando

You were expecting me to say “I curse you for what you did to me”
But instead of offending you, I’d like to tell you that I live very sadly
That life without your bad ways, I can no longer bear
And even though you scolded me about everything, I am missing you every day

Esperabas que te maldijere, que yo te ofendería que hablara lo peor
Pero en vez de ofenderte confieso que extraño tu besos que extraño tu amor

You expected me to curse you, to offend you, to speak the badly about you
But instead, I admit that I miss your kisses and your love

Por que te amo, convierte mi pecho tus maldades en buenas acciones
Lo que hiciste lo doy por bien hecho y me olvido de las maldiciones
Como quieres que yo te maldiga si te quise y te sigo queriendo
Al contrario que dios te bendiga todo el tiempo que sigas viviendo

Because I love you, I turn your wrongs into good deeds in my heart
I accept what you did and forget the curses
How can I curse you when I love you and still do?
On the contrary, may God bless you as long as you live

Esperabas que te maldijere, que yo te ofendería que hablara lo peor
Pero en vez de ofenderte confieso que extraño tu besos que extraño tu amor

You expected me to curse you, to offend you, to speak the badly about you
But instead, I admit that I miss your kisses and your love

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