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El Negrito – Lyrics Meaning in English – Gente de Zona & Carlos Vives

This song is about a woman who is obsessed with the singer and won’t let go of him. She wants to be with him at all times, surprises him and stays with him for a week at a time.

Singer: Gente de Zona & Carlos Vives

Ella quería un poquito
Después que probó mis besos
Lo quiso todito

She wanted a little
After she tried my kisses
She wanted it all

Ella tá’ loca conmigo
Después que probó esta rumba
No suelta El Negrito

She’s crazy with me
After she tried this rumba
She doesn’t want to let go of The Negrito

No llevo arena a la playa
Ni mucho meno’ al desierto
Nunca quiere que me vaya
Se pega como cemento

I don’t take sand to the beach
Even lesser to the desert
She doesn’t want me to ever go
She’s stuck like cement

Cuando ella me quiere, me busca y me llama
Me monta patrulla en todas las manzanas
Y la última vez que se coló en mi cama
Se quedó conmigo toda la semana

When she wants me, she looks for me and calls me
I mount patrol in all the blocks
And the last time she snuck into my bed
She stayed with me all week

Con ella siento unos dolores de cabeza
Y la pastilla que me tomo no me sana
Ella me cae de madrugada de sorpresa
Y se me instala como que uno no trabaja

With her I feel headaches
And the pill I take doesn’t cure me
She surprises me at down
And she settles in like one who doesn’t work

Ella quería un poquito
Después que probó mis besos
Lo quiso todito

She wanted a little
After she tried my kisses
She wanted it all

Ella tá’ loca conmigo
Después que probó esta rumba
No suelta El Negrito

She’s crazy with me
After she tried this rumba
She doesn’t want to let go of The Negrito

Si tú la dejas se pone dulce como miel de abejas
Mide la vaina cinco veces y no se queja
Y cómo trapo de cocina ella me deja
De qué se queja

If you leave her she turns sweet like bee’s honey
She measures the pod five times and doesn’t complain
And she leaves me like a kitchen rag
What does she complain about

Es peligrosa
El otro día me encontró con Ana Rosa
No saludó ni preguntó ninguna cosa
Y le saltó como un caimán en una poza, será celosa

She’s dangerous
The other day she found me with Ana Rosa
She didn’t greet me nor ask me anything
And she jumped her like an alligator in a pool, she must be jealous

Con ella siento unos dolores de cabeza
Y la pastilla que me tomo no me sana
Ella me cae de madrugada de sorpresa
Y se me instala como que uno no trabaja

With her I feel headaches
And the pill I take doesn’t cure me
She surprises me at down
And she settles in like one who doesn’t work

Ella quería un poquito
Después que probó mis besos
Lo quiso todito

She wanted a little
After she tried my kisses
She wanted it all

Ella tá’ loca conmigo
Después que probó esta rumba
No suelta El Negrito

She’s crazy with me
After she tried this rumba
She doesn’t want to let go of The Negrito

Ella quería un poquito
Después que probó mis besos
Lo quiso todito

She wanted a little
After she tried my kisses
She wanted it all

Ella tá’ loca conmigo
Después que probó esta rumba
No suelta El Negrito

She’s crazy with me
After she tried this rumba
She doesn’t want to let go of The Negrito

Ella tá’ loca conmigo
Después que probó esta rumba
No suelta El Negrito

She’s crazy with me
After she tried this rumba
She doesn’t want to let go of The Negrito

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