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El Diablillo – Lyrics Meaning in English – Marco Antonio Solís

“El Diablillo,” (A Little Devil) performed by Marco Antonio Solís, is a poetic exploration of temptation’s alluring yet destructive force. This “little devil” symbolizes the irresistible pull of desires that sneak into our hearts, preying on our weaknesses and disguising themselves even among trusted friends. Through vivid imagery, Solís warns of the persistent and unrelenting nature of temptation, a force that brings suffering under the guise of allure. The song captures the struggle between desire and caution, making it a powerful reflection on the internal battles we face against hidden urges that, while captivating, lead us toward inner turmoil.

Singer: Marco Antonio Solís

Un diablillo anda por ahí
Haciendo sus travesuras
Que conduce sin pensar
Al borde de la locura

A little devil is out there
Playing his tricks
Leading thoughtlessly
To the edge of madness

El se sabe introducir
Entre tus debilidades
Y se suele confundir
Hasta entre tus amistades

He knows how to slip in
Among your weaknesses
And often disguises himself
Even among your friends

Andate con precaución
Tiene sus habilidades
Se te mete al corazón
Y te llena de sus males

Go carefully
He has his tricks
He slips into your heart
And fills it with his troubles

El no sabe de dormir
Y te asecha en todas partes
Pues no hay un solo lugar
Donde no pueda encontrarte

He doesn’t know rest
And stalks you everywhere
For there isn’t a place
Where he can’t find you there

El que dice que usa cuernos
Es que no tiene ni idea
Pues no vive en el infierno
Y no es una bestia fea

Anyone who says he wears horns
Has no idea at all
For he doesn’t live in hell
And isn’t some ugly beast

Tan irresistible es
El deseo se hace un tormento
Pues su nombre es tentación
Su apellido sufrimiento

He is so irresistible
Desire becomes a torment
For his name is Temptation
And his last name is Suffering

Andate con precaución
Tiene sus habilidades
Se te mete al corazón
Y te llena de sus males

Go carefully
He has his tricks
He slips into your heart
And fills it with his troubles

El no sabe de dormir
Y te asecha en todas partes
Pues no hay un solo lugar
Donde no pueda encontrarte

He doesn’t know rest
And stalk you everywhere
For there isn’t a place
Where he can’t find you there

El que dice que usa cuernos
Es que no tiene ni idea
Pues no vive en el infierno
Y no es una bestia fea

Anyone who says he wears horns
Has no idea at all
For he doesn’t live in hell
And isn’t some ugly beast

Tan irresistible es
El deseo se hace un tormento
Pues su nombre es tentación
Su apellido sufrimiento

He is so irresistible
Desire becomes a torment
For his name is Tempt

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