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El Adios A La Vida – Lyrics Meaning in English – Vicente Fernández

“El Adiós A La Vida” by Vicente Fernández is a heartfelt ode to a life well-lived and a unique farewell to the world. This song reflects Vicente Fernández’s deep connection to Mexican traditions and his personal wishes for his final moments. Embracing a vibrant and celebratory tone, the lyrics envision a send-off filled with mariachis, joyful music, and tequila, rather than sorrow and tears. Fernández expresses a desire for a peaceful departure under the sun of his homeland, surrounded by the warmth of friends, wine, and the familiar sounds of his native Guadalajara. With its blend of humor, tradition, and genuine emotion, this song captures the essence of celebrating life and the spirit of an unforgettable goodbye

Singer: Vicente Fernández

El día que me muera
Que sea con mariachis
mi adiós a la vida
En vez de rezarme
Me cantan canciones
como despedida

The day I die
Let it be with mariachis
My goodbye to life
Instead of praying for me
They sing me songs
As a goodbye

Que sea mi velorio
con música alegre y con muchas botellas
Para que mis cuates
Brinden por el muerto
lo mismo por ellas

Let my wake
Have cheerful music and lots of drinks
So that my buddies
Toast for the dead
And just the same for the ladies

Yo quisiera tener
Una muerte tranquila
Bajo el sol de mi patria
que no es orgulloso

I would like to have
A peaceful death
Under the sun of my homeland
Which is not proud

Yo me quiero morir
que me traigan tequila
Que entre vino y mujeres
me siento dichoso

I want to die
With tequila brought to me
For among wine and women
I feel fortunate

¡Épale, épale!
¡Párenle, párenle!
¡Esa no muchachos!
¡Esa no, por favor!

Hey, hey!
Stop it, stop it!
Not that one, guys!
Not that one, please!

El día que yo me muera
Yo no quiero llanto
Yo no quiero penas
Ni quiero tristezas en caras ajenas

The day I die
I don’t want to cry
I don’t want sorrow
Nor sadness on others’ faces

Ya las golondrinas están muy rayadas
Pa mí, toquen sones
sones de mi tierra, mi Guadalajara

Las Golondrinas is too common now
Play Sones for me
The ones from my land, my Guadalajara

Y si en sus mejillas se rodara el llanto
Tengan por seguro que donde me encuentre
Yo, para mi pueblo seguiré cantando

And if tears fall down their cheeks
Be sure that wherever I am
I will keep singing for my people

El día que me muera
Yo quiero un petate
al estilo ranchero
Vestido de charro
Me tapan la cara
con este sombrero

When I die
I want a petate
in traditional ranch style
Dressed as a charro
Cover my face
with this hat

Están invitadas
las flores que nunca
me fueron sinceras
A ver si en mi entierro
Les causa vergüenza
ser tan traicioneras

The flowers that were never
sincere to me are invited
to see if at my funeral
they feel ashamed
for being so treacherous

Yo quisiera tener
Una muerte tranquila
Bajo el sol de mi patria
que no es orgulloso

I would like to have
A peaceful death
Under the sun of my homeland
Which is not proud

Yo me quiero morir
que me traigan tequila
Que entre vino y mujeres
me siento dichoso

I want to die
With tequila brought to me
For among wine and women
I feel fortunate

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