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De Niña a Mujer – Lyrics Meaning in English – Julio Iglesias

“De Niña a Mujer” (From Girl to Woman) performed by the renowned Julio Iglesias, is a soulful exploration of the transformative journey from girlhood to womanhood. Through evocative lyrics, Iglesias reflects on the innocence of youth and the inevitable changes that come with time. The song delicately captures the emotions of love, longing, and acceptance as he witnesses the girl he adores grow into a woman before his eyes. Join us as we unravel the poetic narrative woven by Julio Iglesias, celebrating the passage of time and the beauty of personal evolution in “De Niña a Mujer.”

Singer: Julio Iglesias

Eras niña de largos silencios y ya me querias bien
Tu mirada buscaba la mia jugabas a ser mujer
Pocos años ganados al tiempo
Vestidos con otra piel
Y mi vida que nada esperaba tambien te queria bien

You were a girl of quite moment, and you already liked me
Your eyes sought mine, you played at being a woman
Few years gained over time
Dressed in another skin
And my life, which expected nothing, also liked you well

Te extrañaba yo tanto
Que no al verte a mi lado
Ya soñaba con volverte a ver
Y entre tanto te estaba inventando
De niña a mujer

I missed you so much
That not seeing you by my side
I already dreamed of seeing you again
And in the meantime, I was imagining you
From girl to woman

Y esa niña de largos silencios volaba tan alto que
Mi mirara queria alcanzarla que no la podia ver
La paraba en el tiempo pensando
Que no debería crecer
Pero el tiempo me estaba engañando
Mi niña se hacia mujer

And that girl of long silences flew so high that
I wanted to reach her gaze but couldn’t see her
I held her in time, thinking
That she shouldn’t grow up
But time was deceiving me
My girl was becoming a woman

La queria ya tanto que al partir de mi lado
Ya sabia que la iba a perder
Es que el alma le estaba cambiando
De niña a mujer

I loved her so much that when she left my side
I already knew I was going to lose her
Because her soul was changing
From girl to woman

La queria ya tanto que al partir de mi lado
Ya sabia que la iba a perder
Es que el alma le estaba cambiando
De niña a mujer

I loved her so much that when she left my side
I already knew I was going to lose her
Because her soul was changing
From girl to woman

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