Este Tren – Lyrics Meaning in English – Rozalén
Este tren means this train. This song is about a woman who wishes to escape reality and get on a
Read MoreEste tren means this train. This song is about a woman who wishes to escape reality and get on a
Read MoreDile a los demás means tell the others. This song is about a person who twists the truth to fit
Read MoreEl día que yo me muera means the day I die. In this song, the singer gives her loved ones
Read MoreUniverso means universe. This song is about a man asking the universe for forgiveness for hiding away and staying quiet
Read MoreUn dia a la vez means one day at a time. This song is about appreciating the small things in
Read MoreUn año mas means one more year. This song is about the end of a year and the countdown and
Read MoreSolo soy una persona means I’m just a person. This song is about a man who is talking about his
Read MoreSin novia means without girlfriend. This song is about a man who is grateful to God for guiding him and
Read MoreNo confio means I don’t trust. This song is about a man who doesn’t trust anyone or anything after he’s
Read MoreMaquillaje means make up. This song is about a person who is insecure and very self-conscious about the way they
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