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Ausente – Lyrics Meaning in English – Malú

In “Ausente” (Absent) Malú explores the deep emotional chasm between two people who once shared a close bond. The song poignantly conveys feelings of alienation and frustration as the narrator reflects on the disconnect and misunderstandings in their relationship. Through powerful and introspective lyrics, Malú captures the sense of loneliness and the struggle to reconcile past support with the present estrangement. As the narrator confronts the pain of feeling unrecognized and taken for granted, the song resonates with anyone who has experienced the difficulty of moving on while trying to preserve a sense of self-worth.

Singer: Malú

No entiendo por qué me siento tan sola cuando estoy contigo
Explícame el problema porque yo no lo consigo
¿En qué lugar te busco cuando escapas de mi boca?
Quien te entienda ahora será porque también se volvió loca

I don’t understand why I feel lonely when I’m with you
Explain the problem because I can’t figure it out
Where do I look for you when you escape from my lips?
Whoever understands you now must be because they’ve also gone mad

Eres un extraño que pasea por mi casa
No te reconozco, no comprendo qué te pasa
Dices que me quieres cuando ves el precipicio
Malquerer se ha vuelto un vicio

You’re a unknown living in my home
I don’t recognize you, I don’t understand what’s wrong
You say you love me when things get tough
Hating has become a habit

Y yo te levanté, y eso no lo sabe nadie
Fui yo quien aguanté el eco de mi nombre en todas partes
Por mucho que lo intentes

And I helped you up, and no one knows that
I was the one who faced the echo of my name everywhere
No matter how hard you try

No entiendo por qué me miro al espejo y me siento rara
No paro de llorar a solas, este dolor no para
¿A qué lugar me mudo para empezar de nuevo?
Pase lo que pase, ella va primero

I don’t understand why I feel weird when I look myself
I keep crying alone, this pain won’t end
Where should I go to start over?
No matter what, she comes first

Eres un extraño que pasea por mi casa
No te reconozco, no comprendo qué te pasa
Dices que me quieres cuando ves el precipicio
Malquerer se ha vuelto un vicio

You’re a unknown living in my home
I don’t recognize you, I don’t understand what’s wrong
You say you love me when things get tough
Hating has become a habit

Y yo te levanté, y eso no lo sabe nadie
Fui yo quien aguanté el eco de mi nombre en todas partes
Por mucho que lo intentes

And I helped you up, and no one knows that
I was the one who faced the echo of my name everywhere
No matter how hard you try

Y yo te levanté, y eso no lo sabe nadie
Fui yo quien aguanté el eco de mi nombre en todas partes
Por mucho que lo intentes

And I helped you up, and no one knows that
I was the one who faced the echo of my name everywhere
No matter how hard you try

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