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Aquí Te Espero – Lyrics Meaning in English – Marco Antonio Solís

In “Aquí Te Espero,” (I’m Waiting For You Here) Marco Antonio Solís expresses a deep, unwavering love and devotion. The lyrics convey a sense of longing and patience, where the narrator is willing to wait for the one they love, no matter the circumstances. The song speaks of not being able to say goodbye to a pure love and the readiness to offer comfort, believing that no one else can offer the same depth of affection. With heartfelt emotion, the narrator opens the door to reconciliation and patiently waits, knowing that true love will find its way back.

Singer: Marco Antonio Solís

Aquí te espero
Ni creas que voy a irme
Yo no sé despedirme de quién yo quiero más

I’m waiting for you here
Don’t think I’ll leave
I don’t know how to say goodbye to the one I love the most

Es un capricho
Así lo considero
Tomar otro sendero e irte así, nomás

It’s a whim
That’s how I see it
Taking another path and leaving like that, just like that

Y me perdonas
Que yo esté tan seguro
Pero un amor tan puro como el que yo te doy

And forgive me
For being so sure
But a love as pure as the one I give you

No has de encontrarte
En ninguna otra parte
Por eso, a consolarte ya preparado estoy

You won’t find yourself
Anywhere else
That’s why, I’m ready to comfort you

Aquí te espero y con la puerta abierta
Yo ya vine de vuelta de allá, donde tú vas
También anduve perdido en esa nube
Que el viento ha de traerme y en lluvia en mí caerás

I’m waiting for you here with the door open
I’ve already come back from where you’re going
I was lost in that cloud too
That the wind will bring me, and in rain, you’ll fall on me

Y me perdonas
Que yo esté tan seguro
Pero un amor tan puro como el que yo te doy

And forgive me
For being so sure
But a love as pure as the one I give you

No has de encontrarte
En ninguna otra parte
Por eso, a consolarte ya preparado estoy

You won’t find yourself
Anywhere else
That’s why, I’m ready to comfort you

Aquí te espero y con la puerta abierta
Yo ya vine de vuelta de allá, donde tú vas
También anduve perdido en esa nube
Que el viento ha de traerme y en lluvia en mí caerás

I’m waiting for you here with the door open
I’ve already come back from where you’re going
I was lost in that cloud too
That the wind will bring me, and in rain, you’ll fall on me

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