French to EnglishLove

Amour Inconditionnel – Lyrics Meaning in English – Les Héritiers Céleste

The term “Amour Inconditionnel” translates to “unconditional love.” The singer is enchanted by the way his beloved showers him with boundless affection, placing them above any imperfections and embracing love with utmost ardor.

Singer – Les Héritiers Céleste

Tu m’avais, je pouvais compter sur toi
Tu me l’as toujours démontré
Tu n’as pas regardé à mes défauts, non
Tu m’as aimé le premier

You had me, I could count on you
You always showed it to me
You didn’t look at my faults, no
You loved me first

Malgré que je t’ai tourné le dos, oui certes parfois
Tu me l’as jamais fait payer
Ton sacrifice à la croix pour moi
Un preuve d’amour Yahweh

Even though I turned my back on you, yes, of course sometimes
You never made me pay for it
Your sacrifice on the cross for me
A proof of love Yahweh

Amour inconditionnel
Tu m’as aimé le premier Yahweh
Amour inconditionnel
Tu t’es donné

Unconditional love
You first loved me Yahweh
Unconditional love
You gave yourself

Mon Dieu tu m’as mis dans un mood (mood)
Comme un enfant je me sens bercer nan
Tout ce passe entre nous deux (nous deux)

My God you put me in a mood (mood)
Like a child I feel rocked nah
Everything that happens between the two of us (both of us)

Nul peut comprendre ce qui se passe entre toi et moi
Oh, tout cet amour moi, me fait perdre la tête
Oh qui pouvait (qui pouvait) me relever d’où jetais
Tout entier tu t’es donné pour me sauver (pour me sauver)

No one can understand what’s going on between you and me
Oh, all this love me, me makes you lose your head
Oh who could (who could) pick me up from where I threw
Everything you gave yourself to save me (to save me)

Amour inconditionnel
Amour inconditionnel
Tu m’as aimé le premier Yahweh

Unconditional love
Unconditional love
You first loved me Yahweh

Amour inconditionnel
Tu t’es donné

Unconditional love
You gave yourself

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