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Amordio – Lyrics Meaning in English – Ricky Martin


“Amordio” (Love) by Ricky Martin is an emotionally charged song that explores the complexity of love and its intertwining with hate. The lyrics reflect on the struggles, intensity, and enduring nature of a deep relationship. Through poetic lines, the song captures moments of vulnerability, personal growth, and the unbreakable bond between two people. Ricky Martin delivers this passionate track with raw emotion, portraying a love that transcends challenges, making it a powerful anthem for lovers who have weathered storms together. The song paints a vivid picture of a connection that only grows stronger with time, much like fine wine.

Singer: Ricky Martin

Estoy acostumbrado a perder
Pero contigo yo he tenido suerte
Tus ojos me enseñan a entender
Que no hay que temer

I’m used to failing
But with you, I’ve found luck
Your eyes teach me to see
That there’s nothing to fear

Yo no soy como la gente
Yo te quiero diferente
Te recuerdo qué se siente
No tenerle miedo al frío
Porque te pongo caliente y
No es lo único pa’ ofrecerte
No es pa’ tanto, es para siempre
Sabes que lo tuyo es mío-o-io-io-io

I’m not like others
I love you differently
I remind you how it feels
To not be afraid of the cold
Because I keep you warm, and
It’s not the only thing I have to offer
It’s not just for now, it’s forever
You know that what’s yours belongs to me

Hacemos el amor con odio-io-io-io
Odio, ya llovió
Lo que iba a llover
Pasamos ese episodio-io-io-io

We make love with hate
Hate, it’s been a while
What was going to rain has already rained
We moved past that chapter

Hablando con Dios Él me dijo
“Paciencia, lo bueno siempre se demora” (eh, eh)
Cuidado de quien se enamora (woh, oh)
Cuidao’ a quien le entrega el cora’
Hoy veo en tus ojos que un día lloraron
Desde que me ven ya no lloran
Tú y yo seremos como el vino
Que entre más pasa el tiempo mejora

Talking to God, He told me
‘Patience, good things always take time’ (eh, eh)
Be careful who you fall in love with (woh, oh)
Be careful who you give your heart to
Today I see in your eyes that once cried
Since they’ve seen me, they don’t cry anymore
You and I will be like wine
That only gets better with time

Te quiero tanto que si me dices
Que el cielo es verde
Y las estrellas son algodones
Voy a creerte
Esto es tan fuerte
Que no nos separa ni la muerte
Que sepa la gente
Que tú y yo somos novio-io-io-io

I love you so much that if you tell me
The sky is green
And the stars are made of cotton
I’ll believe you
This is so strong
That not even death can separate us
Let everyone know
That you and I are together

Hacemos el amor con odio-io-io-io
Odio, ya llovió
Lo que iba a llover
Pasamos ese episodio-io-io-io

We make love with hate
Hate, it’s been a while
What was going to rain has already rained
We moved past that chapter

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