LoveSpanish to English

A Un Passo De La Luna – Lyrics Meaning in English – Ana Mena & Rocco Hunt

“A Un Passo De La Luna” (One Step Away From The moon) is a captivating duet by Ana Mena and Rocco Hunt, blending Spanish and Italian elements to create a romantic and dreamy atmosphere. This song tells the story of two lovers reveling in their time together, savoring each moment under the night sky. The lyrics explore themes of love, longing, and the magic of intimate moments, set against the backdrop of a serene beach and a full moon. With its infectious melody and heartfelt lyrics, “A Un Passo Dalla Luna” transports listeners to a place where love conquers all, encouraging them to embrace their feelings and cherish the special moments with their loved ones.

Singer: Ana Mena & Rocco Hunt

Ana Mena
Desde Málaga pa’l mundo
Poeta Urbano

Ana Mena
From Malaga to the world
Urban Poet

Miro al cielo y veo que una estrella cae
Aún hay tiempo para un último baile
Deja a un la’o la timidez si no es muy tarde
Y acabemos paseando junto al mar, eh

I look at the sky and see a star falling
There’s still time for one last dance
Forget your shyness if it’s not too late
And let’s end up walking by the sea, eh

Te sientes bien a un paso de la luna
Confía si te digo que no es una locura
Tan solo atrévete, vivamos nuestra historia
Parece que el destino nos ha juntado a posta

You feel good just a step from the moon
Trust me it’s not crazy
Just dare, let’s live our story
It seems like destiny brought us together on purpose

Cuando pienso en ti, yo sonrío
Tu mirada nubla mi mente
Mi vestido desciende
Y yo me pierdo completamente

Thinking of you make me smile
Your gaze distracts me
My dress falls down
And I completely lose myself

Ahora contigo a solas
Y aunque sea tarde, quiero dormir
Pasar toda la noche entera, entera, oh-oh
Che bella questa sera, stasera, oh-oh

Now alone with you
And even though it’s late, I want to sleep
Spend the whole night, the whole night, oh-oh
How beautiful this evening, tonight, oh-oh

Que quiero quedarme aquí dentro
Aquí en tu camita durmiendo
Notando el calor de tu cuerpo

I feel
That i want to stay inside here
Here in your bed sleeping
Feeling the hotness of your body

Y cuando despierte contento
Salir e invitarte a desayunar
Esta noche báilame en cualquier lugar
Hacer que esto sea muy especial

And when I wake up happy
To come out and invite you to breakfast
Tonight, dance with me anywhere
Let’s make this very special

Te sientes bien a un paso de la luna
Confía si te digo que no es una locura

You feel good just a step from the moon
Trust me it’s not crazy

Cuando pienso en ti, yo sonrío
Tu mirada nubla mi mente
Mi vestido desciende
Y yo me pierdo completamente

Thinking of you make me smile
Your gaze distracts me
My dress falls down
And I completely lose myself

Ahora contigo a solas
Y aunque sea tarde, quiero dormir
Pasar toda la noche entera, entera, oh-oh
Che bella questa sera, stasera, oh-oh
Y sueño que estás cerca, tan cerca, oh-oh
Porque yo estoy pensando en ti otra ve’

Now alone with you
And even though it’s late, I want to sleep
Spend the whole night, the whole night, oh-oh
How beautiful this evening, tonight, oh-oh
And I dream that you’re near, so near, oh-oh
Because I’m thinking of you again

Luna llena, adiós, buenas noches
¿Y qué nos importa qué piense la gente?
Y aunque miran, nos es indiferente
Da igual lo que opinen o puedan decir

Full moon, goodbye, good night
And who cares what people think?
And even if they watch, it doesn’t matter to us
It doesn’t matter what they think or say

Cuando pienso en ti, yo sonrío
Tu mirada nubla mi mente
Mi vestido desciende
Y yo me pierdo completamente

Thinking of you make me smile
Your gaze distracts me
My dress falls down
And I completely lose myself

Ahora contigo a solas
Y aunque sea tarde, quiero dormir
Pasar toda la noche entera, entera, oh-oh
Che bella questa sera, stasera, oh-oh
Y sueño que estás cerca, tan cerca, oh-oh
Porque yo estoy pensando en ti otra ve’

Now alone with you
And even though it’s late, I want to sleep
Spend the whole night, the whole night, oh-oh
How beautiful this evening, tonight, oh-oh
And I dream that you’re near, so near, oh-oh
Because I’m thinking of you again

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