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4 Meses – Lyrics Meaning in English – Dvicio & MYA

 “4 Meses” (4 Months) by Dvicio & MYA is a captivating tale of love’s resilience and the power of a single night to erase months of heartache. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of a transformative evening, where two souls find solace in each other’s company amidst the chaos of a bustling city. With each verse, the song builds to a crescendo of passion and longing, capturing the essence of living in the moment and letting go of the past. Join us on a journey of love, loss, and the healing power of music in “4 Meses”.

Singer: Dvicio & MYA


Lleva mas de 4 Meses así
Llorando en su casa, pero el tiempo pasa
Y ya decidió ponerle fin
Esta noche vamos a salir

She’s been like this for over 4 months
Crying at home, but time passes
And she decided to put an end to it
Tonight we’re going out

Ella se puso bonita pa’ nuestra cita
Cuando la fui a buscar
Me dijo que necesita
Alguien que la haga olvidar

She got pretty for our date
When I went to get her
She said she needs
Someone to make her forget

Por eso fuimos a bailar
Y terminamos en un bar
Yo le agarré la mano
Luego nos besamos
Y los dos nos dejamos llevar

That’s why we went dancing
And ended up in a ba
I held her hand
Then we kissed
And we both let ourselves go

Por eso fuimos a bailar
Y terminamos en un bar
Yo le agarré la mano
Luego nos besamos
Y los dos nos dejamos llevar

That’s why we went dancing
And ended up in a bar
I held her hand
Then we kissed
And we both let ourselves go

Eran las 3:25 ‘e la mañana
La noche, el alcohol conspirando con las ganas
Lo teníamos todo, no faltaba nada
Iba mejor de lo que imaginaba

It was 3:25 in the morning
The night, the alcohol fueled our desire
We had everything, nothing was missing
It was going better than I thought

Y ya vez que aquellos 4 Meses en una noche borré
Yo fui la medicina que le quitó el estrés
Le di lo que quería pa’ olvidarse de él
Ya ni se acuerda
Ya vez que aquellos 4 Meses en una noche borré
Yo fui la medicina que le quitó el estrés
Le di lo que quería pa’ olvidarse de él
De él

And you see, I erased those four months in one night
I was the cure that took away her stress
I gave her what she needed to forget him
She doesn’t remember him anymore
And you see, those four months I erased in one night
I was the cure that took away her stress
I gave her what she needed to forget him
Forget him

Por eso fuimos a bailar
Y terminamos en un bar
Yo le agarré la mano
Luego nos besamos
Y los dos nos dejamos llevar

That’s why we went dancing
And ended up in a bar
I held her hand
Then we kissed
And we both let ourselves go

Por eso fuimos a bailar
Y terminamos en un bar
Yo le agarré la mano
Luego nos besamos
Y los dos nos dejamos llevar

That’s why we went dancing
And ended up in a bar
I held her hand
Then we kissed
And we both let ourselves go

Ella se puso bonita pa’ nuestra cita
Cuando la fui a buscar
Me dijo que necesita
Alguien que la haga olvidar, yeah

She got pretty for our date
When I went to get her
She said she needs
Someone to make her forget, yeah

Tanto, tanto me dejé llevar
Que terminé besándole la boca en aquel bar, si lo prefieres
Bajo un poquito yo
Bajo por todo tu cuerpo

I let myself go so much
That I ended up kissing her in that bar, if you prefer
I go down a little
I go down all over your body

Ay, santo, santo, no puedo explicar lo que ella tiene
Rompe el reloj y descarrila los trenes
Luego repito que
Yo quiero todo su cuerpo

Oh, holy, holy, I can’t explain what she has
She breaks the clock and derails the trains
Then I repeat that
I want all her body

Por eso fuimos a bailar
Y terminamos en un bar
Yo le agarré la mano
Luego nos besamos
Y los dos nos dejamos llevar

That’s why we went dancing
And ended up in a bar
I held her hand
Then we kissed
And we both let ourselves go

Por eso fuimos a bailar
Y nos dejamos llevar

That’s why we went dancing
And we let ourselves go

Por eso fuimos a bailar
Y terminamos en un bar
Yo le agarré la mano
Luego nos besamos
Y los dos nos dejamos llevar

That’s why we went dancing
And ended up in a bar
I held her hand
Then we kissed
And we both let ourselves go

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