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Te Amo Mamá – Lyrics Meaning in English – Los Bukis

“Te Amo Mamá” by (I Love You Mom) Los Bukis is a heartfelt tribute to a mother’s unconditional love and sacrifices. In this touching song, the singer expresses deep gratitude for the life his mother has given him and the love that she has shared. The lyrics speak to the profound emotional connection a child has with their mother, highlighting the physical and emotional marks of a mother’s love and the tenderness that she bestows upon her child. With powerful imagery and loving words, the song celebrates the selfless acts of care and devotion that mothers embody. It’s a beautiful ode to motherhood, full of appreciation and reverence for everything that a mother represents.

Singer: Los Bukis

Esto es para ti
Tan solo un humilde regalo
En agradecimiento
A lo más grande que tú me has dado
La vida

This is for you
Just a humble gift
In gratitude
For the greatest thing you’ve given me

Manantial de cariño
Mar inmenso de alivio
Pedacito del cielo en mi sentir

Spring of affection
Vast sea of relief
Part of heaven in my feelings

Has sido, madrecita
Tu existencia bendita
Para el niño que aún soy para ti

You have been, dear mother,
Your existence blessed
For the child that I still am to you

Lo que pueda decirte, madre
Siempre poco será
Mas, soy parte de tu sinceridad

What I say to you, mother
Will never be enough
But, I am part of your sincerity

Hoy, con ella en mi alma, madre
Hoy, te quiero decir
Que has hecho lo mejor de mi vivir

Today, with her in my soul, mother
Today, I want to tell you
That you’ve made the best of my life

Amo tu felicidad
Amo tu mirada buena
Tu ternura y tu bondad

I love
I love your happiness
I love your kind gaze
Your tenderness and your goodness

Tu cansancio al caminar
Y esas huellas que en tu rostro
Nacieron de tanto amar
Te amo, mamá

I love
Your tiredness while walking
And those traces on your face
Born from loving so much
I love you, mom

Tu cansancio al caminar
Y esas huellas que en tu rostro
Nacieron de tanto amar
Te amo, mamá

I love
Your tiredness while walking
And those traces on your face
Born from loving so much
I love you, mom

Tu cansancio al caminar
Y esas huellas que en tu rostro
Nacieron de tanto amar
Te amo, mamá

I love
Your tiredness while walking
And those traces on your face
Born from loving so much
I love you, mom

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