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Que Haces Ahora – Lyrics Meaning in English – Marco Antonio Solís

“Que Haces Ahora” (What Do You Now) by Marco Antonio Solís is a deeply emotional ballad that delves into the feelings of heartbreak, betrayal, and longing after a relationship has ended. In this song, the narrator questions their former lover about how they have moved on and whether their love was ever truly real. The lyrics express the pain of unrequited love, the emptiness left behind, and the hope for some form of reconciliation, as the narrator reflects on their past and the unanswered emotions that still linger. With heartfelt lyrics and a poignant melody, this song resonates with anyone who has experienced the turmoil of lost love and the difficulty of letting go.

Singer: Marco Antonio Solís

Que haces ahora
Cuando despiertas
Que haces con todas nuestras ilusiones muertas
Como las tiras, si tú no lloras
Como has llenado el gran vacío de nuestras horas

What do you do now
When you wake up?
What do you do with all our dead illusions?
How do you throw them away, if you don’t cry?
How have you filled the great void of our hours?

Que haces ahora con tu victoria
Valdría la pena el arrancarme de tu historia
Así lo espero, sinceramente
Fue mi pasado el que murió por tu presente

What do you do now with your victory?
Would it matter if I removed myself from your life?
That’s what I wish, to be honest
My past is what faded for your present

A mí me puedes engañar toda la vida
Contando a todos que no me amaste
Pero si algo me dolería
Es que te duela la luz del día
Porque en las noches
Tú me extrañaste

You can cheat me for your whole life
Telling everyone that you never loved me
But if something would hurt me,
It would be that the light of day causes you pain
Because at night
You missed me

Quiero saber que mi desdicha no fue en vano
Que las caricias de otras manos
Sean las de alguien que no traiciona
Más si tu llanto por mí se asoma
Que estás haciendo
Ven junto a mí

I want to know that my pain wasn’t in vain
That the caresses of other hands
Belong to someone who doesn’t betray
But if your tears for me appear
What are you doing?
Come to me

A mí me puedes engañar toda la vida
Contando a todos que no me amaste
Pero si algo me dolería
Es que te duela la luz del día
Porque en las noches
Tú me extrañaste

You can cheat me for your whole life
Telling everyone that you never loved me
But if something would hurt me,
It would be that the light of day causes you pain
Because at night
You missed me

Quiero saber que mi desdicha no fue en vano
Que las caricias de otras manos
Sean las de alguien que no traiciona
Más si tu llanto por mí se asoma
Que estás haciendo
Ven junto a mí

I want to know that my pain wasn’t in vain
That the caresses of other hands
Belong to someone who doesn’t betray
But if your tears for me appear
What are you doing?
Come to me

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