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Lo Mio No Es Normal– Lyrics Meaning in English – Air Magno

“Lo Mio No Es Normal” (Mine Isn’t Normal) is a motivational anthem that encourages resilience and perseverance through life’s challenges. Air Magno’s heartfelt lyrics resonate with anyone facing adversity, reminding us that fear and uncertainty are natural but surmountable. With themes of courage, self-belief, and the importance of supportive relationships, this song inspires listeners to keep pushing forward, even when the path seems daunting. Join Air Magno on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment as we navigate the ups and downs of life together.

Singer: Air Magno

Sé que a veces da miedo
Cuando viene la ansiedad
La garganta se queda muda
Sin poder gritar

I know it’s scary sometimes
When anxiety show up
The throat remains silent
Can’t even shout

Las fuerzas se te van y
No puedes ni respirar
Y sólo buscas ese hombro
Para poder llorar

You lose your strength and
Can’t even breathe
And you’re just looking for that shoulder
To be able to cry

A esa persona que te da
Calor sin pedir más
Y que te dice
‘No te rindas, todo pasará’

To that one who gives you
Warmth without asking for more
And who says you
Don’t give up, everything will pass

Esta carrera lleva tiempo
Si quieres ganar
Es mucho el lastre que
Cargamos con tan poca edad

This race takes time
If you want to win
The weight we carry
At such a young age is heavy

Un amigo me dijo que
Lo mío no es normal
Que el paso que no das
Seguro es el que sale mal

A friend told me that
Mine isn’t normal
That step you don’t take
Is surely the wrong one

Sigue y no temas aunque
Creas que no puedes más
Que la batalla será tuya
La vas a ganar

Keep moving forward, don’t be scared
You think you can’t handle it anymore
You will win the battle
You will win it

El escalón es menos alto
Si tienes valor
Así que, levántate hermano
Y ponle corazón
Tranquilo, ya queda menos

The step isn’t so hard
If you’re brave
So, stand up, brother
And put your heart into it
Don’t worry, we’re almost there

Sigue sin miedo
Da igual que puedas caer
La vida está llena de
Mil problemas
Que aunque cueste
Vas a resolver

Keep going without fear
Even if you might fall
Life is full of
A thousand problems
But you’ll find a way
To solve them

Todos tenemos un millón
De cosas que aprender
Que nadie te diga que tú
No vales
El destino lo marca tu fe

We all have a million
Things to learn, you see
Let no one tell you that you
Aren’t worthy
Your faith determines your destiny

Sigue adelante cada día
Con gran actitud
Nadie te dará las victorias
Que no ganes tú

Each day, keep moving forward
With a positive attitude, make your way
Victories won’t come out of the blue,
It’s your efforts that’ll see you through

Confía sin pensar
Sólo sigue esa luz
Verás qué pronto todo
El cielo se pinta de azul (De azul)

Trust without hesitation,
Just follow that light’s illumination.
You’ll see soon enough, it’s true,
The sky paints itself blue for you (For you)

Escapa del confort
Vence a la adversidad
Piensa en los que te quieren
Si las fuerzas se te van

Escape from comfort’s hold,
Conquer adversity bold.
Think of those who love you so,
If your strength begins to go

Y cuando estés cansado, sigue (Sigue)
Que nadie vea que eres débil (No, no)
Saca la fuerza que tú tienes (Sigue)

And when you’re tired, keep going (Keep going)
Let no one see you’re weak (No, no)
Draw upon the strength you possess (Keep going)

Sigue sin miedo
Da igual que puedas caer
La vida está llena de
Mil problemas
Que aunque cueste
Vas a resolver

Keep going without fear
Even if you might fall
Life is full of
A thousand problems
But you’ll find a way
To solve them

Todos tenemos un millón
De cosas que aprender
Que nadie te diga que tú
No vales
El destino lo marca tu fe

We all have a million
Things to learn, you see
Let no one tell you that you
Aren’t worthy
Your faith determines your destiny

Sigue sin miedo (Aah)
Sigue sin miedo (Aah)

Keep going without fear (Aah)
Keep going without fear (Aah)

Todos tenemos un millón
De cosas que aprender
Que nadie te diga que tú
No vales
El destino lo marca tu fe

We all have a million
Things to learn, you see
Let no one tell you that you
Aren’t worthy
Your faith determines your destiny

Por mi vida, hermano

For my life, brother

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