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Humo – Lyrics Meaning in English – Jarabe De Palo

“Humo” (Smoke) by Jarabe De Palo captures the essence of existential reflection and emotional vulnerability through its poignant lyrics and soulful melody. The song delves into themes of uncertainty, introspection, and the fleeting nature of time. As the singer navigates through a journey of starting anew and grappling with life’s complexities, each verse unfolds with raw emotion and introspective depth. “Humo” invites listeners to ponder the transient nature of life, urging them to embrace the present moment while contemplating the uncertainties that lie ahead. With its heartfelt lyrics and evocative storytelling, the song resonates as a testament to the fragility and resilience of the human spirit.

Singer: Jarabe De Palo

Ahora, que empiezo de cero
El tiempo es humo, el tiempo es incierto
Ahora, que ya no me creo que la vida sea un sueño
Ahora, que solo el ahora es lo único que tengo
Ahora, que solo me queda esperar a que llegué la hora

Now, that I start from zero
Time is smoke, time is uncertain
Now, that I no longer believe life is a dream
Now, that only the present is all I have
Now, that all I can do is wait for the hour to arrive

Ahora, que cada suspiro es un soplo de vida robada a la muerte
Ahora, que solo respiro porque así podré volver a verte
Ahora, que ya no me importa que la vida se vista de negro
Porque a nada le tengo miedo
Porque a nada le tengo fe

Now, where every breath is a stolen breath of life from death
Now, I breathe only to see you again
Now, I don’t care if life dresses in black
Because I fear nothing
Because I have faith in nothing

A nada le tengo fe
Ni miedo, ni fe
A nada le tengo fe

I have no faith in anything
Neither fear nor faith
I have no faith in anything

Que no me conozco
Que me abandoné
Abrázame, mi amor te lo ruego
Abrázame fuerte por última vez

I don’t can’t find myself
I left myself behind
Hold me, my love, I beg you
Hold me tight one last time

Ahora, que ya nada espero, ni siento ni anhelo, ni nada sé
Abrazáme fuerte, amor te lo ruego
Por si esta fuera la última vez

Now, when I expect nothing, feel nothing, long for nothing, and know nothing
Hold me tight, my love, I beg you
In case this were the last time

Ahora, que solo el ahora es lo único que tengo
Ahora, que solo me queda esperar a que llegué la hora
Ahora, que ya no me importa que la vida se vista de negro
Porque a nada le tengo miedo
Porque a nada le tengo fe

Now, when only the present is all I have
Now, when all I can do is wait for the hour to come
Now, when I no longer care if life dresses in black
Because I fear nothing
Because I have faith in nothing

A nada le tengo fe
Ni miedo, ni fe
A nada le tengo fe

I have no faith in anything
Neither fear nor faith
I have no faith in anything

Ahora, que empiezo de cero
Que el tiempo es humo, que el tiempo es incierto
Abrázame fuerte, amor te lo ruego
Por si esta fuera la última vez

Now, as I start anew
Time is fleeting, time is unsure
Hold me tight, my love, I beg of you
Just in case this is the last time

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