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Con La Vida Comprada – Lyrics Meaning in English – Marco Antonio Solís

“Con La Vida Comprada,”  (When Life Itself Is Bought) sung by Marco Antonio Solís, is a song that explores themes of love, betrayal, and the emptiness that comes with materialism. In this heartfelt piece, the narrator tells the story of a relationship torn apart by greed and unfaithfulness. Despite the partner’s choice to leave for a wealthier life, the narrator reflects on the value of true feelings versus money. Through powerful lyrics, he predicts a future where his former lover will realize the hollow nature of her choice, longing for the warmth and sincerity she left behind. The song captures the pain of lost love and the enduring worth of genuine emotions, delivering a poignant message about the cost of choosing wealth over the soul’s true desires.

Singer: Marco Antonio Solís

Puedes irte que mas da
Seria inutil detenerte
Mi pobreza no se va
Y tu juegas con tu suerte

You can leave, what does it matter
It would be useless to stop you
My poverty won’t go away
And you’re playing with your luck

A donde piensas llegar
Cargando con lo que sientes
Ofreciste tu traición
Y ya has agarrado cliente

Where do you think to go
Carrying what you feel
You gave your betrayal
And you’ve already found a customer

Verás cuanto es que vale
Lo que del alma sale
Verás que todo es nada
Con la vida comprada

You’ll see the truth
What comes from the soul
You’ll see that it all means nothing
When life itself is bought

Algún día vas a saber
Lo que se acabo primero
Si lo que sientes por mí
O su monton de dinero

One day you’ll know
What ended first
What you felt for me
Or his pile of money

Ya no nos vamos a ver
A ver quien siente mas frio
En las noches su calor
Tendras extrañando el mío

We won’t see each other again
We’ll see who feels colder.
At night, you’ll have his warmth,
But you’ll miss mine

Algún día vas a saber
Lo que se acabo primero
Si lo que sientes por mí
O su monton de dinero

One day you’ll know
What ended first
What you felt for me
Or his pile of money

Ya no nos vamos a ver
A ver quien siente mas frio
En las noches su calor
Tendras extrañando el mío

We won’t see each other again
We’ll see who feels colder.
At night, you’ll have his warmth,
But you’ll miss mine

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