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Cien Años – Lyrics Meaning in English – Vicente Fernández

“Cien Años” (Hundred Years) performed by the legendary Mexican singer Vicente Fernández, is a heartfelt and poignant ballad that delves into the depths of unrequited love and lingering sorrow. The song captures the pain of seeing someone who once meant everything, only to realize they’ve moved on with indifference. Despite the heartache and the feeling of being forgotten, the lyrics express an unwavering attachment to the person, with the protagonist vowing to keep them in their thoughts for a hundred years, no matter the emotional toll. This melancholic yet beautiful song showcases Vicente Fernández’s ability to convey deep emotions through his powerful voice, making it a timeless classic in Latin music.

Singer: Vicente Fernández

Pasaste a mi lado
Con gran indiferencia
Tus ojos ni siquiera
Voltearon hacía a mi

You walked with me
With great disregard
Your eyes never
Turn towards me

Te vi sin que me vieras
Te hable sin que me oyeras
Y toda mi amargura
Se ahogo dentro de mi

I saw you without being seen
I talked to you without being heard
And all my sorrow
Drowned within me

Me duele, hasta la vida
Saber que me olvidaste
Pensar que ni desprecios
Merezca yo de ti

It hurts me, even life itself
To know that you forgot me
To think that I don’t even deserve
Your scorn

Y sin embargo sigues
Unida a mi existencia
Y si vivo cien años
Cien años pienso en ti

And yet you remain
Tied to my life
And if I live a hundred years
A hundred years I’ll think of you

Me duele, hasta la vida
Saber que me olvidaste
Pensar que ni desprecios
Merezca yo de ti

It hurts me, even life itself
To know that you forgot me
To think that I don’t even deserve
Your scorn

Y sin embargo sigues
Unida a mi existencia
Y si vivo cien años
Cien años pienso en ti

And yet you remain
Tied to my life
And if I live a hundred years
A hundred years I’ll think of you

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