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A Medio Vivir – Lyrics Meaning in English – Ricky Martin

“A Medio Vivir,” (Half Living) sung by Ricky Martin, is a heartfelt song that expresses the deep emotional struggle of living life without a loved one. The lyrics delve into feelings of incompleteness and longing, where the protagonist feels as if life has stopped halfway without their significant other. With vivid imagery of unprocessed pain and memories that linger despite the passage of time, the song captures the essence of half-living—going through the motions of life while feeling emotionally stuck. Ricky Martin’s passionate delivery combined with the poignant lyrics creates a powerful reflection on loss, absence, and the difficulty of moving forward when love is missing. This song resonates with anyone who has ever felt incomplete after losing someone they deeply care for.

Singer: Ricky Martin

Después de tanto tiempo que ha pasado
Te parecerá mentira
Pero no me acostumbro
Parece como hubiera sido ayer
Ese primer día que
Nos vimos desnudos

After so much time that has passed
It may seem like a lie
But I still can’t get used to it
It feels like it was just yesterday
That first day when
We saw each other naked

Y siempre pensé
La vida debe de continuar
Pero sin ti
Todo se quedó por la mitad

And I always thought
Life must go on
But without you
Everything was left halfway

A medio vivir
A medio sentir
Y se me pasa la vida
Y no encuentro salida
Sin ti, ah-ah

Half living
Half feeling
And life passes me by
And I can’t find a way out
Without you, ah-ah

Después de tanto tiempo que ha pasado
Aún te espero como siempre
En el mismo sitio
Aún así logro sentir
Tu pecho presionado con el mío
Y tus latidos

After so much time that has gone
I still wait for you, as always
In the same place
Even so, I can feel
Your chest against mine
And your heartbeat

Y cada vez
Se me hace más difícil cada vez
Y es que sin ti
Todo se quedo por la mitad

And each time
It gets harder for me every time
And it’s because without you
Everything was left halfway

A medio vivir
A medio sentir
Y se me pasa la vida
Y no encuentro salida
Sin ti, ah-ah

Half living
Half feeling
And life passes me by
And I can’t find a way out
Without you, ah-ah

A medio vivir
A medio sentir
Y se me pasa la vida
Y no encuentro salida
Sin ti, ah-ah

Half living
Half feeling
And life passes me by
And I can’t find a way out
Without you, ah-ah

Llevamos mucho tiempo hablando
Y no te seguiré aburriendo más
Con mi discurso
Solo te llamaba por saber
Si por si acaso tu también
No está de más
Hablar de vez en cuando, no está de más

We’ve been talking for a while
And I won’t keep bothering you
With what I’m saying
I just called to see
If maybe you also
Needed it
It’s not a bad thing
To chat now and then, it’s not a bad thing

Y es que sin ti
Respiro con un solo pulmón
Y es que sin ti
Todo se quedo por la mitad

And it’s because without you
I breathe with only one lung
And it’s because without you
Everything was left halfway

A medio vivir
A medio vivir


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